C. L. Adams Memorial Scholarship

A legacy of making a difference.
Curtis Lee Adams
For over twelve years, The Curtis Lee (CL) Adams Memorial Scholarship honors the life and legacy of Curtis Lee Adams. Like many people, Curtis was determined to make the world a better place, and to much avail, he succeeded. The scholarship is financed by all those who loved, supported, and benefited from his servanthood to people, and love for Christ and the church.
We know that Curtis’s life was dedicated to work, children, family, education, and servanthood for the church. His commitment to the church was labeled as an Advocate, an Ambassador, and an Armor Bearer for the church. He carried his ministry with passion and generosity. Not only did he lead a life of ministry, but he carried out his servanthood with a smile and with grace given to him by the Lord. Memorialized at his eulogy service were countless examples of how his dedication changed lives.
This memorial scholarship will now institutionalize the example Curtis gave to all of us. It will support the academic goals and aspirations of students who excel academically and participate as advocates, Ambassadors, and armor-bearers for their church and community. This scholarship focuses on education and community involvement.
As a teacher, Curtis taught numerous times throughout his life at the railroad and in his church. He served as a switchman, brakeman¸, conductor¸ and yard master for Union Pacific, and he also served as chairman of the deacon board at Old St. James Baptist Church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. He married Bobbie Jean Adams for 50 years and had three children: Gregory Remone, Patricia Ann, and Kevin Howard Adams.
For assistance with an application please call 214-943-7300 or email:
Curtis L. Adams
WHO IS ELIGIBLE?This scholarship is for young men or women who contribute to the positive culture of their school and community in many small ways. It is a scholarship to recognize someone who has overcome adversity, perhaps in some unconventional way, and may otherwise go unrecognized. It is a scholarship to assist in the next chapter of one’s life.
HOW CAN IT BE USED?The scholarship is a one-year, potentially renewable scholarship of an amount to be determined by the selection committee. The scholarship may be used for conventional academic purposes such as tuition, fees, room and board, and books. In honor of Curtis’ unconventional ways of reaching out to people and students, the scholarship may also be used for those items necessary to get into and stay in post-secondary education. For example, purchase tools for a professional technical program, certification classes, transportation, or childcare while attending classes.
HOW CAN I QUALIFY?Students must be a senior in High School and accepted into college or GED. Since Curtis was a member of the Old St. James Missionary Baptist Church, applications submitted from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, will be considered a high priority; however, it does not exclude others who may apply and are eligible. They must verify they are continuing their education at a technical school, certification program, college, or university. Students may also be enrolled in college or trade currently. Students must submit all requested information in this application form by the deadline for consideration. It is a requirement to be graduating from High School to apply or currently be enrolled in a college or trade.
WHERE CAN I GET AN APPLICATION?Applications are available at www.americancarefoundation.org.
WHEN ARE APPLICATIONS DUE?Completed applications must be postmarked according to the American Care Foundation website date. They must be mailed with all attachments to: The CL Adams Memorial Scholarship American Care Foundation 530 S. RL Thornton Freeway Dallas, TX 71603 or emailed to the following: Scholarships@americancarefoundation.org Successful applicants will be notified. QUESTIONS Contact American Care Foundation at 214-943-7300
WHERE CAN I GET AN APPLICATION?Applications are available at www.americancarefoundation.org.
WHEN ARE APPLICATIONS DUE?Completed applications must be postmarked according to the American Care Foundation website date. They must be mailed with all attachments to: The CL Adams Memorial Scholarship American Care Foundation 530 S. RL Thornton Freeway Dallas, TX 71603 or emailed to the following: Scholarships@americancarefoundation.org Successful applicants will be notified.
QUESTIONSContact American Care Foundation at 214-943-7300
Application Process
This application has been designed to be simple yet allow us to get to know you because Curtis would have wanted it that way. Please complete the information requested on the application. In addition, please include:
1. A brief (not to exceed two pages) essay answering the following questions:
What adversity have you overcome, and how has that experience shaped the vision for your future?
Who has been the most influential in helping you overcome that adversity and shape your future?
What examples can you give to display you as an advocate, ambassador, and armor-bearer for your community and the church you attend?
2. Letter copy (is) of acceptance from the post-secondary institution you will attend.
3. One letter of reference addressed to the CL Adams Memorial Scholarship committee, from an adult who has known you for more than one year.
4. Copy of high school or college transcript (signed and certified by administrator) in addition to letter copy (ies) of acceptance from the post-secondary institution you will attend or are attending.
5. Question & Answer (Please attach this page to your application)
Do you work while attending school?
Are other people dependent on your earnings?
What activities were you involved with in or out of school?
What are you most proud of?
Where do you plan to attend school after graduation?
What do you plan to study?
Do we have permission to share your story publicly?